Working Papers

Can Stereotype Reactance Prompt Women to Compete? A Field Experiment

Pink, S., J.A. Cervantez, E.L. Kirgios, E.H. Chang, and K.L. Milkman. Conditionally accepted at Organization Science.

The Motivating Power of Streaks: Increasing Productivity Is as Easy as 1, 2, 3

Mehr, K., J. Silverman, M. Sharif, A. Barasch, and K.L. Milkman. Conditionally accepted at Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.

Nudging Teachers: A Megastudy to Increase Math Achievement Among 3 Million Elementary School Students

Duckworth, A.L., A. Ko, K.L. Milkman, J.S. Kay, E. Dimant, D.M. Gromet, A. Halpern, Y. Jung, M.K. Paxson, J. Rothschild, R.A. Silvera Zumaran, R. Berman, I. Brody, C.F. Camerer, E.A. Canning, H. Dai, M.N. Gallo, H. Hershfield, M.D. Hilchey, A. Kalil, K.M. Kroeper, A. Lyons, B.S. Manning, N. Mazar, M. Michelini, S.E. Mayer, M.C. Murphy, P. Oreopoulos, S.E. Parker, R. Rondina, D. Soman, and C. Van den Bulte. Invited for revision and resubmission at the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Targeting Behavioral Interventions Based on Baseline Motivation Increases Vaccine Uptake

Brody, I., H. Dai, S. Saccardo, K.L. Milkman, A.L. Duckworth, M.S. Patel, and D.M. Gromet. Invited for revision and resubmission to Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.

When Does Flattery Fail? Flattery Backfires for Those Perceived as Inauthentic

Blunden, H., E.L. Kirgios, A. Rai, E.H. Chang, and K.L. Milkman. Invited for revision and resubmission to Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

Setting Higher Referral Targets Increases the Number of Women Recommended: Evidence from Two Field Experiments

Rai, A., E.L. Kirgios, B.J. Lucas, and K.L. Milkman. Invited for revision and resubmission to Journal of Applied Psychology

Can Reminder Emails Compel Americans to Save? A Two-Million Person Megastudy

Milkman, K.L., S.F. Ellis, D.M. Gromet, I.M. DeMay, H.N. Graci, Y. Jung, R.S. Mobarak, R.A. Silvera Zumaran, M.N. Simmons, C. Van den Bulte, S. Benartzi, M. Hilchey, L. Goodyear, D. Karlan, N. Mazar, D. Mochon, A.M. Shah, D. Soman, J. Zinman, and A.L. Duckworth.

Does Feedback Enhance Diversity in Selection Decisions? 

Cervantez, J.A., S. Pink, L. Chang, A. Rai, and K.L. Milkman.

Evaluating the Efficacy of Shortlist Quotas to Promote Gender Diversity

Chang, L.W., E.L. Kirgios, A. Rai, and K.L. Milkman.

A Randomized Trial of Behavioral Nudges Delivered Through Text Messages to Increase Influenza Vaccination Among Patients with an Upcoming Primary Care Visit

Patel, M., K.L. Milkman, L. Gandhi, H. Graci, D. Gromet, H. Ho, J. Kay, T. Lee, J. Rothschild, M. Akinola, J. Beshears, J. Bogard, A. Buttenheim, C. Chabris, G. Chapman, J. Choi, H. Dai, C. Fox, A. Goren, M. Hilchey, J. Hmurovic, L. John, D. Karlan, M. Kim, D. Laibson, C. Lamberton, B. Madrian, M. Meyer, M. Modanu, J. Nam, T. Rogers, R. Rodina, S. Saccardo, M. Shermohammed, D. Soman, J. Sparks, C. Warren, M. Weber, R. Berman, C. Evans, S.H. Lee, C. Snider, E. Tsukayama, C. Van den Bulte, K. Volpp, and A. Duckworth.

Predicting Context-sensitivity and Habit Formation in Field Data using Machine-learning

Buyalskaya, A., H. Ho, K.L. Milkman, A.L. Duckworth, and C. Camerer.

The Importance of Conspicuous Incentives: A Field Experiment

John, L.K., K.L. Milkman, B. Tuckfield, and L. Foschini.